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Name: Jason
Tel: +86-170 7086 8515
Fax: +86-510-6864650
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E-mail: jason.wang@durney.net, mailjason@yeah.net
Add: 58#, Kongrou Rd, Wuxi city, Jiangsu, 214000 P.R.China
Skype: dongmsg

Cable for remote control damper

Cable for remote control damper Cable for remote control damper
Product name:Cable for remote control damper
The flexible steel shaft is a single wire around which successive multi-stranded layers of wire are wrapped. It is 0.25” in diameter, and is capable of delivering more than 50# of torque without damage.

• Material: 75# high-carbon steel wire
• Standard lengths: 15’, 24’, 36’, 72’, 120’ other required length

Flexible shafting cable is a direct, mechanical method for transmitting rotary motion between two points.

Dampers can be controlled remotely with the flexible shaft assemblies. Cable operated dampers are the most convenient and economical way to balance air flow through the face of a diffuser. The damper is installed upstream of the diffuser with the control cable inside the airstream and accessible from the diffuser grill (Internal) or outside the airstream (External). The air flow is adjusted by simply pushing or pulling on the core wire which changes the damper blade position. Once the adjustment has been made, it is locked by tightening the set screw nearest to the looped end. Then the cable is removed from view by tucking it back into the neck of the diffuser.


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